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Internal Applications Request Form

Use this form to submit Feature and Idea Requests to the Heartland Internal Applications teams.


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Chat function inside merchant search

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Guest over 3 years ago in Enhancement Request 1 Needs more information

Atlas - Force Coding for Affiliate Partners

When a client/merchant is should be coded to an Affiliate Partner, there is no requirement to actually code the client.
Cindy Durant about 3 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

Met with Liz Choi and her Payroll Central team and they had a few requests we thought could be accomplished within Atlas. PDMs and VPs are basing a lot of programs including incentives on "new margin health." Can Atlas show a PDM/VP the new margin health for one of their reps accounts? Sort of like a dashboard within Atlas for this. They would also like a dashboard to see all of the pended accounts their reps currently have. And finally, once CRM goes away and updated Atlas is in place, can payroll accounts that have "pushed" their first run date be noted within Atlas so the PDM/VP can see that info as well.

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Sandi Carr over 3 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

Add a mids Fed ID # to the mids "Profile" in Atlas.

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Guest over 3 years ago in Enhancement Request 1 Needs more information

I would like the ability to add phone stati to salesforce

we would like to be able to better track staff activities when working but not active in the phone system.
Mike Sammon almost 2 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

I would like to be able to flag an account if there has been a phone or email fraud attempt

We have fraud attempts coming in from various means on accounts. I would like to be able to "flag" accounts (and phone numbers if possible) to help notify our staff to proceed with caution
Mike Sammon almost 2 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

I would like to add a case type for client employee pullbacks due to payroll errors and merge with client billing credits

I would like to be able to track requests for refunds/pullbacks/same day direct deposit requests along with having an approval process/list view for team leads and supervisors.
Mike Sammon almost 2 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

I would like to be able to create cases for team members to be able to submit changes to client accounts that affect sales compensation

Currently, the process of determining/sending compensation for certain items is done "in tribe", with no vetting outside of one person who just happens to take the email or call. It has resulted in almost 130,000$ in erroneous margin paid out this...
Mike Sammon almost 2 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

OMS Gateway Information

Have gateway information be added in the Client Details pop up in OMS. This would help increase productivity for file builds in multiple areas.
Guest over 2 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information

Call Log - department added next to name

List the department next to name of the HPS employee that writes the call log on an account so we can better assist/redirect in any follow up calls.
Guest over 2 years ago in Enhancement Request 0 Needs more information