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Internal Applications Request Form

Use this form to submit Feature and Idea Requests to the Heartland Internal Applications teams.

Status Needs more information
Enhancement, Defect/Bug Enhancement Request
Created by Rachel Blake
Created on Nov 1, 2021

Auto-Populate Heartland Contact Signature on POAs

We would like the Heartland contact's signature to auto-populate as an image file on completed POAs when a deal is submitted in atlas. It could be a mapped field that is added to the POAs just like the Client Name, Business Address, etc. if there is the functionality to map an image instead of text. I've attached an example of a Florida POA signature section to show where we would need the signature to populate. We would want the signature and date to populate. There are 31 POAs that require a Heartland contact signature. Currently, we're having to put a signature and date on each file after they're completed but prior to submitting them to the agencies, and it requires a lot of manual work. Once this is completed (if it can be done), there are some POA files that will need to be put back into development with this feature added to them. We also have some POA files that have been updated by agencies that will need to be submitted to be uploaded into atlas, some will use this feature as well.

Impact - Which group does this impact? Payroll Operations
Delivery Date Dec 6, 2021
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  • Nick Hellmich
    Nov 8, 2021

    currently in atlas, we have this table [SalesPortal].[dbo].[POAContact] to store the contact information.

  • Gabrielle Brown
    Nov 2, 2021

    Notes from development:

    It's feasible to add a signature image to all the files. However, to do it programmatically would be a pain in the butt. You'd need an image file and then for each of the 66 files you'd have to guess at the X,Y coordinates of where to place it and stretch/shrink it into the space allotted -- which can be quite a bit differently sized from state to state.

    I think the better way to handle it is to get someone (possibly in the payroll department) that has the full Adobe Acrobat that they can use to edit each of the PDF forms to add a signature image, and then we can check the signed version into github (, replacing the unsigned versions.

    There are about 66 POA files, so either way it's going to take a little time and attention.

  • Rachel Blake
    Nov 1, 2021

    Once this is completed (if it can be done), there are some POA files that will need to be put back into development with this feature added to them. We also have some POA files that have been updated by agencies that we need to submit to be uploaded into atlas, some will use this feature as well.