Use this form to submit Feature and Idea Requests to the Heartland Internal Applications teams.
When going through this process, we get some clients that have already been put in the system. When this is the case, new client does not work and we have to choose Returning client outside of reactivation window and if we choose existing, it jumps passed where the client code needs to be entered. We want to eliminate all the options and just have it to where they can type the Fed ID and go to the next part of the flow where they start entering the 8 digit client code.
Impact - Which group does this impact? | Boarding |
Delivery Date | Feb 4, 2022 |
Hello! Is there an update on this?
Potential issue having multiple Payroll clients tied to the same FedTaxId
Rachel Plowman knows the next steps needed - will continue to gather reqs with dev teams and Collin before setting dev start dates.