Use this form to submit Feature and Idea Requests to the Heartland Internal Applications teams.
Timing for this is important since the PDFs have already been created by the time of submission which is when the ClientID is obtained so we may need to rename the PDFs in DMS or wherever they are stored.
POAs need to be named using the client ID - each needs to be a separate file. [ClientID] [Client Legal Name] - [FileName = StateAbbrev[SUI] or SWT]
Timing for this is important since the PDFs have already been created by the time of submission which is when the ClientID is obtained so we may need to rename the PDFs in DMS or wherever they are stored.
POAs need to be named using the client ID - each needs to be a separate file. [ClientID] [Client Legal Name] - [FileName = StateAbbrev[SUI] or SWT]